Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I'm off to the dentist next month for two new crowns... made me think of the types of treatment the Victorians suffered through. I saw a movie recently where the dentist had a treadle type contraption that was the drill. The poor patient looked as if he was being tortured. And in my Victorian murder mysteries by Anne Perry she often talks of the Crimea war and how they would pull out the teeth of the dead soldiers and use them to make nicer teeth for the wealthy gentry. Even the ladies would want nice new teeth and one of the characters in the book didn't realise where the new teeth were coming from.
Makes you think about all sorts of horrible things happening back in the days when they had no electricity, no specialised tools, no fancy leaning right back chairs ... I hate those.... sometimes one feels like you are being tipped completely out the end ... many times I've hung on like a mad woman trying not to be engulfed by the chair and seeing myself land right off the end of the darn thing. However recently I was pleasantly surprised after my visit to my new Canadian dentist. Just in the time since I've left Australia ... nearly 10 years ago ... the whole practice of dentisty seems to have improved out of sight. I even get to see a tv on the ceiling whilst I'm being treated. :-))

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear you Jana....too bad it couldn't be like the Victorian days with their pretty clothes and morals and such but have the technology we have today....it wouldn't really be the Victorian days would it :) I hope you know what I mean. Have a great day.