Monday, September 8, 2008

Browsing through a catalogue this evening I saw something I would love... A soft ice cream maker.... it even had little containers for the sprinkles or choc chips or whatever you wanted to add to it. Made me think of how my mum used to make it before we could ever buy it in containers. There were so many things that we had to make ourselves .... jam was one .... we always had lots of raspberry, blackberry, and strawberry and apricot... it was my job to smash the kernels to add to the apricot jam. I loved it when I got some of those on my toast. :-)
nowadays of course its all in the supermarkets for us already done and packaged up so neat and pretty its difficult to walk past and not be tempted. And I'm amazed at the stuff I find in the ice cream containers ....... rolos, turtles, smarties, cookie dough, kitkats even..... there's nothing plain about ice cream anymore. :-)) thank goodness........ lol

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